We thought we had won the space race the summer of ’69

Apollo 11 had got to the moon and Armstrong took his great leap for mankind
But as he got ready to plant our flag he suddenly looked up in fear
Cause there in the sand where it was s’posed to go he saw Chuck Norris Was Here	

                      It’s true that he can dribble bowling balls
	And even slam revolving doors
	He’s never cheated death he won fair and square
	And once punched a man right in the soul

He can kill two stones with one bird

	And knows the last digit of pi
	He doesn’t have a kitchen cause revenge is best served cold
	He once made a Happy Meal cry

                     The only time he was ever wrong 
	Was when he thought he had made a mistake 
	He keeps a pillow underneath his gun
	And never sleeps only waits
	He can kill imaginary friends
	And punched a cyclops right between the eye
	He once won at Russian roulette with a fully loaded gun
	He’s counted to infinity twice

                     They say that time it waits for no man 
	Unless of course that man is him
	His roundhouse kick breaks the speed of light
	He don’t wear ties only wins
	He knows that evolution’s not true
	‘Cause there’s only species he allows to live
	When he gives you the finger he’s telling you how many seconds ’til you die     
	Behind his beard is just another fist

                     He destroyed the periodic table 
	'cause he only needs the element of surprise 
	He never showers only takes blood baths
	His tears cure cancer but he’s never cried
	Once a giant cobra bit him
	After three days in pain the poor snake died
	When AG Bell invented the phone he had three missed calls from him
	He narrates David Attenborough’s life

                     He doesn’t breath he holds air hostage
	He don’t use gas his trucks all run on fear
	When COVID-19 was exposed to him 
	It was quarantined for a year
	And Bigfoot claims that once he saw him
 	He stands faster than you can run
	He doesn’t dial the wrong number you pick up the wrong phone
	And before you even think to play…he has already won